Your comments

I guess that the second song you want to share has the same title(like "Youtube") as the first song, if so, because two same name files are not allowed by system, you have to rename the first song or delete it from iTunes, then you can save the second one.

I guess that the second song you want to share has the same title as the first song, if so, because two same name files are not allowed by system, you have to rename the first song or delete it from iTunes, then you can save the second one.

Im working on all of these features you mentioned and will finish them ASAP.
Not in Sync Apps section, scroll down, you will see Apps section, it's there.
The latest version of MediaBurner was released before iOS 5.1, so there maybe some thing not compatible with the latest iOS 5.1
Thanks for your report, I will try to fix it ASAP.
iPad version is planned
Thanks for your price advice, I'll think about it
It's a good idea, I'm very desire to make this function, but as I know, Apple's official SDK doesn't provide any method to do that.
If you find any app can do the job, please tell me, I will try to figure out how it works