Fix download issue: Error 403 OR a yellow warning sign appears
Hello every MediaBurner user,
Download issue fixed!!!
You can download videos normally
Visit http://mediaburner.userecho.com for detail information.
Now there is a problem caused by Youtube, it makes MediaBurner can't download video normally. It will be fixed next version(developing...)
Now, you can still download youtube video using MediaBurer in another way, just follow these steps:
1. Click top left "+" button on Channels page.
2. Enter youtube mobile site http://m.youtube.com and click Go to visit it.
3. Click a video link you want to download.
4. Click the video's thumbnail to play the video.
5. When the video start playing, click top left "Done" button to show back web page.
6. The download button on bottom right corner of toolbar is enabled, click it to download the video. You can check out the video on List page.
PS. I'm developing next version, it will be released as soon as possible.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Yes, I'm working on it, it will be fixed as soon as possible.
Error:play/download not work.
to fix it please open the safari browser then go to the offical support url: http://bit.ly/mbsup
i go to the web site and it dosent do anything pleaz fix...new update Dec,19 ,2014
Hello. Please Fix This App Asap. I Use It On A Regular Basis And It Was A Great App Until A Few Days Ago. Any Idea When It Will Be Fixed?
you should check an app called "download" it is still downloading. i prefer ur app because of the share/export feature. well done. hope u can get it it to work as it used to.
Approximately when will the app be fixed??
Well that's a mighty inconvenience zgx, but I'm glad that you still are supporting the app (and us!)
You don't have to do these steps now, just one tap to fix. Read this http://mediaburner.userecho.com
I have iPhone 5 ISo 6.1.4.
Can you help.
Thank you
I try to download an video by an band and it makes me Download an lyric video instead of r video and I really like the videos of my favorite bands HELP
You can download/play videos in another way, please read the "Update (09/06/2014)" in the support site: http://mediaburner.userecho.com/
can someone please send me a solution ?
still on review
i paid for this app and for the adds on too
I bought the app tow weeks ago the app won't let me download videos (thats what the app was created to do) and i paid for this app so please fix it. This is very irritating. I sent you email a week ago , no response
what I have to do
Hi Eyad,
I sent an email to you bteibet @gmail.com, please check it.
Better tube