
Please make an upgrade because I can't but the in-app purchases.

Mar Iana 10 aastat tagasi uuendaja zgx 10 aastat tagasi 4
Whenever I try to buy the sharing videos or no advertisement thing it says that it cannot connect to the App Store.


If it can't connect to the App Store, the issue seems not cause by the app.
Make sure you have signed in the app store, just open the Settings app and check the settings of appstore, then make sure your network connection is fine.
If it still can't work, open another app, and try to buy an in-app item (you won't purchase until you confirm at last), if it doesn't say any error, It may be MediaBurner's problem, I will try to figure it out.
Sorry, meant to say buy* not but.
If it can't connect to the App Store, the issue seems not cause by the app.
Make sure you have signed in the app store, just open the Settings app and check the settings of appstore, then make sure your network connection is fine.
If it still can't work, open another app, and try to buy an in-app item (you won't purchase until you confirm at last), if it doesn't say any error, It may be MediaBurner's problem, I will try to figure it out.
Ok it works thank you.
You are welcome :-)