Under review

Issue with new update and iOS 6.1.6

Luke Bradshaw95 11 year бұрын updated by Ken Foo Leang 9 year бұрын 9
I am running into an issue with this new update and iOS 6.1.6. For some reason it is not wanting to download the update to my device and is giving me an error message. I am now having to go through the app store to open the app it self.


Under review
What's the error message? Can you send me a screenshot of it?
Under review
What's the error message? Can you send me a screenshot of it?
It would give me the same message on my iPhone, which is running the latest iOS 7, yesterday. It worked fine today so I am not for sure if the issue could have been so many people downloading the update or what. It also seems to be downloading fine on my iPod now. I will inform you if I run into any more issues.
It seems like a temporary network issue, I suggest you wait for some time then try again.

Hi, I have the old version of Mediaburner in my IPod Gen 4. But the screen was damaged n I want to get a new IPod or iPhone. Which IOS still gives the same support as my IPod Gen 4 which is running IOS 6.1.6?

The latest version of MediaBurner(Better Tube) supports iOS 7 and later.

  1. But I want to keep this app as I can still download YouTube clips. I understand the newer versions and the more current IOS does not support downloads.

What's your email address ? I want to contact with you via email.

That's why I am looking for older generations of IPod touch or iPhones. But what I want to know is which is the last IOS version that still allows this function. Can 7.1.2 support the one I have now?