Under review


Oody Graves 11 years ago updated by mfrwaily 10 years ago 3
Hey i had this app on my iphone 4 and when i downlaoded it on my new iphone 5 it doesnt have the HD and other features ? Can you please help , oh and it wont restore


Under review
1. Download media burner from AppStore again.
2. Restore your purchased(HD) items
3. Open the Safari browser, go to http://bit.ly/mbsup , click the green "Download" to update again finally.
Under review
1. Download media burner from AppStore again.
2. Restore your purchased(HD) items
3. Open the Safari browser, go to http://bit.ly/mbsup , click the green "Download" to update again finally.
This doesn't work for two month even though I did upgraded but still  not work 
so why? 
How can I update the app