Errors :(
I keep getting an "Error: No media link found for playing!" message when i'm trying to play videos and when I'm downloading, it gives me a "10lfetchFileUrlInfo time out" message.. I can't get the app to work... Please help :(

zgx 11 years ago
Update to the latest version 2.5, issue fixed.

Nothing downloads. So I erased my app& tired to download stuff& still nothing. Thanks, your app is really gay now. I'm so ticked.

I deleted the app and downloaded it again I paid for this app. Thanks it sucks

Won't download keeps saying error plz fix then I deleted now I still can't download and now I have nothing to listen to :c

Same error timeout.... Take it no one has a solution yet? Just updated to IOS7 because it stopped working on IOS6... Still has the error.

I am very disappointed with this app I paid for it but its not working anymore

It is 2013 and this app is still telling me all the videos are not found playing? It is really annoying!

Update (10/17/2013)
Hi ,
I'm very sorry for the issue.
Because YouTube change it's player source several days ago, the rule to download video is broken.
Now, the issue is fixed in the new version 2.3 and 2.3 is submitted to Apple for review, so please be patience, you can update as soon as Apple approve the new version
Before the new version 2.3 is approved, you can update the rule manually follow the steps below:
1. Open your Mediaburner app on your device.
2. Click the "+" button on top left corner.
3. Click the middle "HERE" link on your device
4. Finished.

I keep getting an "Error: No media link found for playing!" message when i'm trying to play videos and when I'm downloading, it gives me a "10lfetchFileUrlInfo time out" message.. I can't get the app to work... Please help :(

just purchased this app and it doesnt do anything keeps saying media link not found.please do something asap as i have just spent 1.99 for nothing

I clicked the + button and all it does is delete my music. Why is this happening

The HERE link doesn't work. But I'm waiting patiently for the "update" to be approved I hope it gets fixed soon.

I was downloading videos tried to view them but every time I click list my app shuts completely off seem like it worked so much better when it was free but I enjoyed it so much I bought the app now regretting it please fix my issue

It's force closing as soon as I try to open it. I've has this app for quite some time and it used to work fine. How do I fix it?

error saving videos to camera roll is not working .. I tried but it give me a message ERROR ..!
Please fix it ..
Please fix it ..

Ever since the 2.5 update I have to stay in the app to listen to my music, I can't lock my phone or exit the app to multitask with music playing anymore!!! The lock screen player's play button is broken too!

I purchased this app a few years ago and now I can't share the music on my iTunes or anything like that it's trying to make me pay again

when i tri to download the songs its keep showing error& not media link found can u fix it pls my mobile iphone 3gs

Keep seeing ad commercials after video played. I paid for this not to happen awile back. Got new iPhone put it on that (5s). How do I stop this from happening? Bummer!

Sorry, it needs to restore your purchased item. The next version coming up, it will provide a button to restore all your purchased items. Please wait.

Won't let me download or watch videos! I also get the ad commercials as well. I paid for that not to happen too. Please fix theses issues! Thxs

Can some1 help me I can't download video all of a sudden , email me please david19perez@yahoo.com please I can't download videos anymore please help me...

why do we have to get adds even after we paid for the app..thats totally bull..can i have a refund..people paybfor apps to avoid adds

Cannot play or download videos!! Can you take a look at theses issues please. Thxs

Why every time i try to play a video or download one it just loads forever then says "Time out try again later" and i do but it just keeps saying that?

Since last year keep saying fixing issue soon on 32/12/14 it's 2015 man scamers !!!
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